The Maker Moment
Curated by Golan Levin
The Maker Moment
Curated by Golan Levin
The Maker Movement focuses on the new era of a peer-to-peer open source cultural force that embodies a hands-on approach to building, modifying, and repairing things. Creating through a pool of diverse knowledge through a networking DIY model.
Written By Golan Levin
The Maker Movement focuses on the new era of a peer-to-peer open source cultural force that embodies a hands-on approach to building, modifying, and repairing things. Creating through a pool of diverse knowledge through a networking DIY model.
Machine Project
Artist Mark Allen established the Machine Project as a not-for-profit arts organization and community event space dedicated to making specialized knowledge and technology accessible to artists and general public.
The Toaster Project
Thomas Thwaites established an ambitious goal of developing a toaster entirely from scratch, by mining his own materials and working them into an end goal of a product that Argos can sell for only 3.99 pounds per toaster.
Scrapyard Challenge Workshop
Scrapyard is about technology made accessible. It provides the opportunity for the public to participate in interactive design through intensive workshops in which participants transform discarded junk into innovative electronic projects.
Urban Prospecting
The Urban Prospector Project is essentially a modified metal detector outfitted with a combustible gas sensor that can be built for under $100. This innovation can the be used to scan for pockets of oil locally through a sound responsive tool that is not only easy to use, but empowering to users. .
The Eyewriter
Members of Free Art and Technology (FAT), OpenFrameworks, the Graffiti Research Lab, and The Ebeling Group communities have teamed-up to create a low-cost, open source eye-tracking system that will allow ALS patients to draw using just their eyes.
Creators Featured
Curated By
Golan Levin
Golan Levin is an artist/engineer interested in the exploration of new modes of reactive expressi... More →