Showcasing Impact and Value

This section showcases and acknowledges the outstanding work which has influenced our field. Leading organizations and invited curators will share their perspective on exemplary work which demonstrates the value and impact of collaborating across disciplinary bounds.

Leading Organizations

Distinguished organizations and community leaders have joined us to establish a comprehensive overview of the emerging community around cross-cutting collaborations.

View All 11 Organizations

Connecting Collaborations

Members of the community have contributed sets of high-quality examplars of integrative work. Each set represents their perspective on the history and prospects of this emerging field. Prefaced with a foreword, the set connects a series of related works within areas like Musical Interfaces, and Open Sources,

Explore all 27 sets

Impact, Innovation, Creativity

Each work represents a unique interdisciplinary exchange between artist, designers, scientists and engineers towards impact and creativity From collaborative projects and their products to the programs, places and people which have fostered innovative outcomes, they run the spectrum of art/science efforts.

Individually, they provide case studies of vibrant art/science exchanges, but collectively they assemble into a potent record highlighting the value, impact and potential of collaborating across traditional disciplinary bounds.

Review all 105 selected works

Join our curators

We're working with a group of community leaders to develop new curated sets. Our goal is to expand this section to include fifty curated perspectives by summer 2014. If you'd like to get involved and prepare a set of works, we'd welcome your contribution!

Become a curator