Fragments /Examples On Science / Art / Collaborations And The Local / Social / Personal Context

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Fragments /Examples On Science / Art / Collaborations And The Local / Social / Personal Context

Fragments /Examples On Science / Art / Collaborations And The Local / Social / Personal Context

Contributed by Morgan Fritz on 25 Mar 2014

Renewal of existing structures and classification: the structure and scientific classification of the academy goes back worldwide mainly to the XVII-XIX centuries, with some artistic roots. Due to the swift development and proliferation of scientific disciplines the scientific component of these bodies became ever stronger, while art almost disappeared. There were several attempts to (re)integrate art into these societies, but without success. Either it was only symbolic or, as recently in Hungary, it led to a creation of a certain “Art Academy” as a representational body – with no discernible sense. Academies should revise their existing division systems overall, and create a new division, not for art in general, but specifically for experimental art and artistic research.


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