Emergence of New Institutions for Art-Science Collaboration in France and comparison of Their Features with Those of A Longer Established One
The situation of art science research and collaboration in France is very diverse and non standard, when compared with scientific research. An interesting feature of this diversity is that many avenues are explored to promote, foster, and support artscience. Depending on the nature of the works, some places might be more suitable than others to the development of a specific project. The drawback of atypicality, particularly in an effort of description, is that it is very difficult to find rules, common grounds, or shared objectives between all these places.
In order to give a better idea of the field, I have invited four recent institutions in artscience collaborations: EnsadLab (a research laboratory at the École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs EnsAD, a public university of art and design and one of the most prestigious French “grande école”), l'Atelier Artssciences (a collaboration between the Hexagone Scène Nationale and Minatech, the CEA (Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives) research center operating in nanotechnologies), IMERA (a center for cross disciplinary collaborations hosting art science residencies) and VIDA(a research theme on art science collaborations inside a Computer Science research laboratory) together withtthe now well established and internationally acclaimed IRCAM research laboratory (on all the techniques around music, and even live performance such as dance or theater). This white paper will not give an overview of all the institutions, artists, scientists, and engineers working in this field (contrary to the Rapport Art, Science, Technologie coordinated by JeanClaude Risset in 1998 which was intended to be more exhaustive).
The purpose of this article is to draw some suggested actions about the current state and the future perspectives of art science projects in France or in the US (since this article will be published in the SEAD White Papers 2013) based on a small setof representative institutions which have been chosen for their diversity. Industry is the bigfigure is missing of this choice; the reason is that, to my knowledge, corporate artscience collaborations are generally mediated through public institutions in France. Yet, the case of the Atelier Artssciences is an exception, since it is the construction of a balanced collaboration between Hexagone, a national theater, and CEA, a major French company on applications of energy.
I hope that the modest contributions of this white paper will benefit the entire art science community. My purpose was not to give an exhaustive overview of French institutions in this domain. My aim was to raise some important issues in our domain and propose a first set of suggested actions for the future.
A Comparative Analysis of Four Art-Science Institutions
For the readers who are visual learners, I will begin with a figure on how the institutions can be represented with respect to their environment. Then I will go deeper into the description of the key figures: spectrum of activities in research, education, and art/science collaboration, size and distribution of the staff on these activities, prospects and projects. Last, I will conclude the article based on a comparison between a longterm institution (IRCAM) and the other emerging ones (EnsadLab, Hexagone/Atelier Artssciences, and VIDA).
To read the full White Paper please visit: Emergence of New Institutions for Art-Science Collaboration in France and comparison of Their Features with Those of A Longer Established One
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Prepared By Gabrielle Carels on behalf of SEAD
Acknowledgements & Credits
Coordination: Christian Jacquemin
Contributors: Nathalie Delprat, Emmanuel Mahé, Hugues Vinet, Roger Malina, Antonie Conjard
White Papers Steering Committee
SEAD White Paper Curatorial Committee Chair: Roger Malina
Committee; Carol LaFayette, Carol Strohecker, Lucinda Presley
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