Bio Structures And New Media A Pending Prospective On Possible Futures Experienced In South America

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Bio Structures And New Media A Pending Prospective On Possible Futures Experienced In South America

Bio Structures And New Media A Pending Prospective On Possible Futures Experienced In South America

Contributed by Morgan Fritz on 25 Mar 2014

Headings In developing a syncretic project of modernity, the particularities of the southern cone end variables to develop and materialize mainly utopian principles of an alternative modernity, have been built, in some way, and we have configured our ability, or inability place. In recent times, in the field of general projective disciplines (from visual information design to civil engineering, through architecture and urban), and the specific designers, the term has emerged: Bio Arch Digital. In a "prospective" vision, propose four keys to understand from our local developments, as we might have come to define this field since the end of World War II until the end of the cold war, to in turn be aware the new dynamics between Decentralized Collaborative Independence (ICD), and the relationship of art + science + technology + society, in a perspective that attempts to resolve some of our contradictions. To reach these conclusions for the future, it would be possible apply the following criteria from the viable system model: every organization is summarized in three elements (conceptual decision + technological media + environment) generated by joining one quarter turn, called the action.


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