Multimedia Transformation


By David A. Shamma


1 June 2013

The Arts & Digital Culture program in ACM SIG Multimedia addresses the innovative use of digital media technology in the creation, analysis or critique of cultural artifacts, environments and processes.  This program seeks out a broad range of integrated artistic and scientific statements that describe digital systems for cultural engagement including, but not limited to, dynamic, generative and interactive multimedia artworks; tools for content preservation and curation; cultural heritage case studies; hybrid physical/digital installations; entertainment, mobile, situated and online environments. We encourage the community to critically examine the artistic, technological and cultural implications and impact of their work, revealing challenges and opportunities of rich societal significance. 


There are moments where scientists become artists and artists become scientists.  The often debated distinction is of little consequence as the deeper question is methodological.  Acts of artistic communication carry with them the freedom to ignore our traditional representations as they often seek to create a new universe.  One which the artist, as John Barth cites about novelists, have constructed that universe themselves, hence they control and understand the transformed or newly created world—free of the old conflicts or wrought with new ones.