Generating dance verbs and assisting computer choreography

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Generating dance verbs and assisting computer choreography

Generating dance verbs and assisting computer choreography

Contributed by Morgan Fritz on 06 Apr 2014

"Chi-Min Hsieh and Annie Luciani. 2005. Generating dance verbs and assisting computer choreography. In Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM international conference on Multimedia (MULTIMEDIA '05). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 774-782. DOI=10.1145/1101149.1101314" As quoted in the philosophy of contemporary dance: <<Understanding the directions for a Free Dance performer stems mainly from the qualities and energy of the movement rather from spatial criteria>>, a lot of emphasis is put currently on generating computing dance movement by dynamic and energy, which is totally different from producing movement by kinematical based gestures in sequence. We argue that it is an ideal interactive media to connect computer and choreographer.In this paper, we present a set of dynamic models according to dance verbs: "to rebound", "to jump", "to flip", "to wave", etc, served by physically based particle modeling based on Newton's law. Among them, user has a high-level motion control to modify the quality of such dynamically generated movement, for example, light/strong, free/bound, sudden/sustained, etc. These dynamic models are hence well suited to produce spontaneous motion that looks natural and plausible. To sum up, we propose a methodology, focusing on the birth, the growth and the death of cause, which include mystic anticipation, inner propagation and virtual momentum exchange. Our methodology exhibits energetic succession and connects well the dance, physics and computer. It is convincingly a well-suited direction for computer-aided choreography.


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