Vagamundo: a migrant's tale

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Vagamundo: a migrant's tale

Vagamundo: a migrant's tale

Contributed by Morgan Fritz on 03 Apr 2014

"Ricardo Miranda Zuñiga. 2004. Vagamundo: a migrant's tale. In Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM international conference on Multimedia (MULTIMEDIA '04). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 985-986. DOI=10.1145/1027527.1027762" "Vagamundo is a mobile public art project and an online game. Through a mobile cart resembling an ice cream cart pedestrians are invited to play a video game that reflects the plight of illegal immigrants in New York City. Following an introduction -- Getting Across the Border, the player is challenged by various levels of social and cultural assimilation. Ideally, the project achieves two goals. First to present an interesting tableau that interrupts the given codes of public space as an unsuspecting pedestrian discovers a free videogame in an ice cream cart - a vehicle that represents an economic means to new immigrants. Secondly, Vagamundo places the player in the role of a new, undocumented immigrant to New York City, an experience that may cause one to consider what life is like for others. The ""others"" that the project concerns itself with is an impoverished immigrant subculture that goes highly unnoticed by main-stream media."


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